Here is a saying in India that a mother teaches her daughter-in-law by teaching her daughter. In other words, the mother will most readily give corrective instruction to her own daughter, but the instruction will apply equally to the less accessible daughter-in-law.

Similarly, Prabhupāda gave many instructions not only during class lectures but in daily dealings with his servants, such as Upendra.

Any exchanges with the ācārya are themselves teachings both by precept and example, and the whole world can benefit from hearing them.

With Upendra, Prabhupāda’s instructions were often in response to Upendra’s mistakes. Upendra followed Prabhupāda everywhere. Once they were walking downstairs on the way to the temple, and Upendra, walking behind, called out to Prabhupāda to get his attention. Prabhupāda turned around on the stairs, raised his cane, and said, “I told you never to call from behind.”

On the way back from the temple, Upendra was supposed to carry Prabhupāda’s Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, eyeglasses, and karatālas. One evening Upendra got sidetracked talking with a guest, and when he returned to the house, Prabhupāda was waiting for him.

Govinda dāsī warned Upendra that Prabhupāda was angry at having to walk back to the house alone. Uttering apologies, Upendra entered his room.

Prabhupāda said, “Whenever you are to do something, do it nicely. Do not be irresponsible.”

One day Upendra was looking for Prabhupāda within the apartment, and he went into Govinda dāsī’s room to ask her where Prabhupāda was. As Upendra left Govinda dāsī’s room, he met Prabhupāda coming down the hall.

Later Prabhupāda called him and told, “You are a brahmacārī. You should not be in the same room alone with Govinda dāsī or any girl. Do not do like that in the future.”

San-Francisco | USA | December 1967

Satsvarūpa dāsa Goswāmī | Srila Prabhupada Lilamrita. Addtional Pastimes | p. 21