Srila Prabhupada decided to travel in the front seat and I sat in the back. It was quite hot in the car and I was praying that Srila Prabhupada would not find the journey taxing.

As we traveled along the road through the Malaysian countryside, Srila Prabhupada was slipping in and out of external consciousness. Every time he closed his eyes, his head would fall back (hitting the seat) and he would be disturbed.

After this happened several times, I could not restrain myself: as his lotus head began to fall backwards, I caught it with my hands and supported its weight.

By my doing this, Srila Prabhupada was able to rest, and when he returned to external consciousness and realized what I had done, he turned around to look at me and said “thank you very much.” THANK YOU VERY MUCH

What mercy!

Kuala Lumpur | Malaysia | 5.02.1971

Bali Mardan prabhu | «Journey to the Pacific Rim» | p. 79